SuccessFactors Recruiting Q3 2019
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Q3 2019– 1908, release provides exciting innovations across SuccessFactors Recruiting Q3 2019 that can help you transform your HR operations, increase employee engagement, and deliver results. Don’t miss out on all the great innovations and enhancements. Here are a few key updates you should consider for SuccessFactors Recruiting Q3 2019 . 1 2 3
1908 Release Schedule
- Preview Release – August 9th, 2019
- Production Release – September 6th , 2019
1.Data Capture Form Updates for Existing Candidates
What is it?
Currently, existing candidates cannot complete data capture forms unless sent the link to the form via an email campaign. If an existing candidate submits a form that was not sent via email campaign, then the candidate’s information will not be saved to his/her profile and this activity would be lost. This enhancement allows a Recruiter to search on the data capture form code and identify existing candidates who have unsuccessfully submitted the form and then describe this activity as a “visit”. When the candidate is sent the form via the email campaign and submits the form using the link provided, the successful completion of the form is described as an “update”. 4 5
Why is it important?
Previously, recruiters were not able to determine whether an existing candidate had come into contact with the form at an event such as a career fair. The information submitted by the candidate would be lost and the interaction with that candidate would not be captured. As a result of this feature, recruiters can search the data capture form code to determine if an existing user has experienced an unsuccessful submission of the form which is described as a visit. When these candidates have been identified, the recruiter can send the data capture form landing page link via an email campaign asking the candidate to complete the form once more. When the candidate submits the form successfully, the candidate’s actions will be described as “updated”. 6 7
2.Job Posting actions from Requisition
What is it?
As of today, recruiters have the status of their job posting on external job boards but need to click “Post & Manage Jobs” to be redirected to the action page. From 1908 Release, recruiters will be able to directly take actions from the Job Posting page of a Job Requisition, such as: • Repost
• Edit job posting • Add a job board • Remove post 8 9
Why is it important?
Recruiters no longer need to click on “Post and Manage jobs” to perform an action on their job postings.
3.Job Posting Rules: Job boards Preselection Rules
4.Job Posting Rules: Job boards Preselection Rules
5.Support Business Rules on Job Application
What is it?
As part of our first release for the support of Business rules on the Job Application, Recruiting users with admin privileges
can define Business Rules for fields of an Application template.
• Currently it is possible to define onChange and onSave rules.
• Rules cannot be defined for all fields (refer to the documentation for the list of supported fields) 10
Why is it important?
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting customers can leverage the Business Rule engine to support client business processes by defaulting values and creating custom field calculations (Business Rule functions).
Please share your experience using the tool and provide us with your feedback.
Thanks & Regards,
Anipe Abraham,
Consultant Certified – SAP HCM& SuccessFactors & Corporate Trainer